

Urban Development

August 21, 2024

Leveraging Hektar for Land Acquisition in Non-Planned Areas

Sofia Malmsten

CEO & Architect

Leveraging Hektar for Land Acquisition in Non-Planned Areas

In the evolving landscape of urban development, where cities are expanding and evolving faster than ever, developers and planners face the intricate challenge of acquiring land in areas that have yet to be fully planned or developed. These non-planned areas, often on the outskirts of expanding urban centers or in regions that have not been prioritized for immediate development, represent both an opportunity and a challenge. The opportunity lies in the potential for large-scale projects with significant influence on the future urban form. The challenge, however, is the inherent uncertainty and risk associated with acquiring and planning land in these areas.

This is where Hektar, a cutting-edge tool developed by Parametric, steps in. Hektar is designed to assist developers and planners in making informed, data-driven decisions regarding land acquisition, risk assessment, and scenario planning. Through its advanced parametric modeling capabilities, Hektar provides a comprehensive suite of tools that not only simplify the complexities of land acquisition but also offer insights that can optimize the planning and development process.

Understanding the Hektar Platform

Hektar is an integrated platform that combines various layers of data analysis with scenario planning and risk management tools. It enables developers to simulate different development scenarios, assess potential risks, and evaluate the suitability of land parcels for various types of projects. This is particularly crucial in non-planned areas, where traditional data might be sparse, and uncertainty is high.

The core of Hektar's functionality lies in its ability to aggregate and analyze a wide range of data inputs, including geographic information systems (GIS), environmental data, market trends, and regulatory frameworks. By synthesizing this data, Hektar creates a dynamic model of the area in question, allowing users to explore different development scenarios and their potential outcomes.

Key Features of Hektar in Land Acquisition

Scenario Planning and Simulation
One of the standout features of Hektar is its scenario planning capability. Users can simulate various development scenarios, adjusting variables such as density, land use, infrastructure development, and environmental impact. This is particularly valuable in non-planned areas, where the future land use and infrastructure might be uncertain. Hektar allows developers to explore different possibilities and their implications, helping them to make informed decisions about land acquisition.

Risk Assessment
Non-planned areas often come with a high degree of uncertainty and risk. Hektar’s GIS visualisation serves a risk assessment tool that help developers to identify and mitigate these risks early in the planning process. By analyzing factors such as noise, environmental hazards, and market volatility, Hektar provides a GIS visualization for each potential development site. This enables developers to make proactive decisions and avoid costly setbacks later in the project.

Data Integration and Analysis
Hektar excels at integrating multiple data sources into a single, cohesive platform. This includes real-time data in WMS format from municipalities or other externa sources. By providing a holistic view of the area, Hektar enables developers to see the bigger picture and understand how different factors might influence the success of their project.

Customizable BIM Integrations and Accurate Data Models
Hektar goes beyond standard scenario planning by offering customizable Building Information Modeling (BIM) integrations, which allow developers and planners to incorporate their own house designs and models directly into the platform. This capability ensures that the data and scenarios generated are not only relevant but also highly specific to the project's unique requirements. By integrating custom-built models, developers can achieve a higher level of accuracy in their planning, as the simulations take into account the exact specifications, materials, and architectural details of the proposed buildings.

Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
Successful land acquisition and development in non-planned areas often require collaboration with various stakeholders, including local governments, communities, and investors. Hektar facilitates this process by providing tools that enable transparent communication and collaborative planning. Developers can share their scenarios and plans with stakeholders, gather feedback, and make adjustments as needed. This collaborative approach helps to build trust and consensus, which is vital in navigating the complexities of non-planned areas.

Non-planned areas with various site conditions.
Non-planned areas with various site conditions.

Practical Applications of Hektar in Non-Planned Areas

The application of Hektar in land acquisition is vast, but it is particularly powerful in non-planned areas due to its ability to manage uncertainty and complexity. Here are a few practical scenarios where Hektar can be a game-changer:

  • Urban Expansion Projects: In cities that are rapidly expanding, non-planned areas at the periphery are often targeted for new residential or commercial developments. Hektar allows developers to model the impact of their projects on the surrounding areas, including parking needs, sun studies, and potential for future growth. This ensures that the development is sustainable and well-integrated into the broader urban fabric.
  • Greenfield Developments: For greenfield projects, where the land has not been previously developed, Hektar helps in assessing the suitability of the land for various uses. It considers factors such as soil quality, topography, and proximity to essential infrastructure, helping developers to choose the best sites for their projects.
  • Regeneration of Underutilized Land: In some cases, non-planned areas might include underutilized or abandoned land that has the potential for regeneration. Hektar can help developers to evaluate these sites to determine the viability of redevelopment projects.
Generated Scenario for single housing development in the Hektar platform
Generated Scenario for single housing development in the Hektar platform.


In the context of land acquisition for non-planned areas, Hektar by Parametric offers an invaluable tool for developers and planners. Its ability to integrate diverse data sources, simulate multiple scenarios, and assess risks makes it uniquely suited to the challenges of non-planned development. By leveraging Hektar, developers can navigate the uncertainties of non-planned areas with greater confidence, ensuring that their projects are not only feasible but also sustainable and successful in the long term.

As urban areas continue to expand and evolve, the demand for innovative tools like Hektar will only grow. Developers and planners who embrace this technology will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of modern urban development, turning challenges into opportunities and laying the groundwork for the cities of the future.